Thursday, January 28, 2016

Clearing a Scammer:)

                                                                          Posted by antongamer at 10:47 PM


Hai Guys! So this evening, I'll be clearing falenfromthesky, a person that supposedly scammed mysticalstar1111's stuff. Well, it seems fallfromthesky is actually a main account of someone and a group account of four people. One of the four users used the group account to scam! Anyway, the owner of fallenfromthesky did not scam and one of the other four did. Also, this reminds you to never let people use your account or scam. BAI! :)

Hi Everyone Just A Boring Partly IRL update Today :L

Posted by antongamer at 11:41 PM Pacific Time 1/28/2016 

Hi Everyone! Today I have just remembered about my internet life since I actually forgot about my Youtube channel and blog. Sorry about that. Partly, my computer broke down and I can't even go to the local electronics store to buy a new ACDC adapter. Also, most of you Caucasians know that Asians have a Lunar New Year festival and I have been preparing it with my family. Last, I have been very busy at school because a lot of tests are coming soon and I'm also going to STARBASE in a few weeks so yeah. Now about my blog, I didn't know what to do with it since  I just thought to make a video whenever I wanted to show something but since the only computer I have access to in my home that has a microphone and a webcam is broken, I can't make my videos so for now, I will have to resort to old fashioned blogging. HarHarHar right? :) Anyway, on Animal Jam, I have gotten rarer which is actually easier than I thought. I now have a lot of popular and very expensive rares. Just rares, not spikes or HDs. Also, I kind of have to worry about two blogs since I'm part of the JSD which is a blog about scamming and hacking. We expose them and also try to make them suspended. Anyways, I'm really tired so I'll just end this blog entry right now. ByeBye! :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mystical with a Scammer!

Hi Guys!

Mysticalstar1111 here! Today, I'm going to post about this horrible scammer. By horrible I mean "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy must this Happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" So the scammer is "fallenfromthesky"

She scammed all of my spikes,rares,and betas. She used auto accept to scam me. Please report her.

Scammer: animaljamrockskiwi

Scammer: animaljamrockskiwi
This is his profile.( I bet he got that spike from scamming.) Anyway, the scammer scammed a few rares and diamond items from me. It wasn't that bad since I flashed just a few rares at his fake giveaway and they were RIMs and the diamond items were just worth 4 diamonds. But still, don't get tricked by this guy even though I wasn't tricked and kind of got scammed on purpose to see if he was going to scam or not.

From: antongamer ( I copied this blog from The Scacker's Destination post that I was invited to post.)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Our new blog!

Hi jammers!
antongamer here! So this is my first post, also, please check out our youtube channel mysticalstarandantongamer AJ! So we are gong to do daily posts, scammer watches, tutorials, and post info on this blog.